(Eric) Zhang Chen
Chen EZ
Lesion attributes segmentation for melanoma detection with multi-task U-Net
Skin lesion classification via combining deep learning features and clinical criteria representations
Skin lesion segmentation with improved C-UNet networks
What evidence does deep learning model use to classify skin lesions?
A model-based approach for species abundance quantification based on shotgun metagenomic data
A role for bacterial urease in gut dysbiosis and Crohn’s disease
A two-part mixed-effects model for analyzing longitudinal microbiome compositional data
Comparative effectiveness of nutritional and biological therapy in north american children with active Crohnʼs disease
Genome wide nucleosome mapping for HSV-1 shows nucleosomes are deposited at preferred positions during lytic infection
Inflammation, antibiotics, and diet as environmental stressors of the gut microbiome in pediatric Crohn’s disease
Comparative metabolomics in vegans and omnivores reveal constraints on diet-dependent gut microbiota metabolite production
A Novel YY1-miR-1 regulatory circuit in skeletal myogenesis revealed by genome-wide prediction of YY1-miRNA network
Genome-wide roles of Foxa2 in directing liver specification
Nonhematopoietically Derived DNA Is Shorter than Hematopoietically Derived DNA in Plasma: A Transplantation Model
Genome-wide identification of TF-miRNA regulatory networks in myogenesis
Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 by maternal plasma DNA sequencing
SFRS7-mediated splicing of tau exon 10 is directly regulated by STOX1A in glial cells
Maternal plasma DNA sequencing reveals the genome-wide genetic and mutational profile of the fetus
Methy-Pipe: An integrated bioinformatics data analysis pipeline for whole genome methylome analysis